Thursday, November 02, 2006

Halloween Pictures

My outfit was namely a pair of black shorts and a corset-styled top to match. However, thanks to the perfect--and questionable--possessions of my house mates, my devilish look was complete with: a foam triton; obnoxious red jewellery with obnoxious red fingernails; home-made horns of red construction paper and red tights complete with fiery sequins licking at my legs. Slip on a pair of black gloves for dramatic flair and slip into a pair of heart-stomping, black leather boots that reach mid-way up my calves and voila!
Me, Shaun as Zorro & Jess

Panos, Me & Shaun

Halloween = lisence for cheese.

A devil, Zorro & Dimitris ...the Greek.

And the Pav's North American reps: me & Jess, from Boston.

1 comment:

Wanderlusting said...

Cute costume! It would be scary though if the horns weren't foamy and looked like wee bunny ears.